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As of version 1.1.4, GPS geo-location data is not captured by default and will only be derived from the IP address. You can set the geo-location enable by the trackerConfig.setGeoLocationEnabled(true). To capture GPS geo-location data (requires permission grant by user).

As of late 2019, WOGAA will be releasing its official Mobile Analytics solution that can be used for mobile applications.

Supported Platforms

WOGAA Mobile Trackers currently support applications developed on

Mobile OS Supported Version
iOS From 14.0 & above
Android From API Level 17 & above
React Native From 0.66.4 & above Android & iOS support as the native versions.
Xamarin From .NET Standard 1.4+
Cordova Cordova-Android 9.0.0 and Cordova-iOS 6.2.0
Flutter Flutter until 2.0.6

Please contact us at if you have other mobile development framework not covered in the guide.